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Come & See – Discernment Weekend Retreat
Come & See – Discernment Weekend Retreat – Nov. 15–17, 2024 at St. Augustine’s Seminary
The Office of Vocations will be hosting a Come & See Weekend Discernment Retreat for men 18 years and older, at...
RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is for people who:
are not Baptized Catholic.
are Catholic but not confirmed
are not Catholic but baptized in other recognized religion and wants to be in full communion with the Catholic...
An Incredible Journey of Faith and Nursing
As National Nurses Month wraps up, nurse and author Margaret Price reflects on her life's journey guided by faith -- and all the opportunities the field of nursing opened up to her.
1. Through your involvement in helping to start...
Shining a Spotlight on the Ministry with Maturing Adults
The month of June is dedicated to Adult Faith Formation for the ministries of the Office of Formation for Discipleship. It is also Seniors’ Month in Ontario. This office is committed to help parishes support all adults to grow...
Exploring the ‘Gift of Faith and Mental Health’ this May
Fr. Stephan Kappler is the President and Chief Psychologist of Southdown Institute. In light of the upcoming day dedicated to raising awareness of mental health across the the archdiocese, he shares with readers some of the strong connections between faith...
Seven Things to Know about Ash Wednesday
Michelle Brylowski is Associate Director, RCIA and Liturgical Formation, for the Office of Formation for Discipleship. Below, she helps us prepare for Ash Wednesday.
1. What do the ashes on the forehead represent?Biblically, ashes symbolize mourning, mortality and penance...
Advent – A Time of Liturgical Renewal
As we make our Christmas preparations, plan holiday activities and catch up with old friends, our hearts are filled with memories of the past and our minds draft fresh resolutions for the future. We anticipate. We are hopeful. We feel...
Horizons of Hope: A Toolkit for Parishes on Palliative Care
Families, friends, parish communities and health care professionals, together, all play an important role to care for and accompany those in need of palliative care that recognizes the dignity of the human person. As such, the Canadian Conference of Catholic...
The Value of Patristic Studies in the Modern Age
The leadership at St. Augustine’s Seminary is designing a Licentiate program in Patristics – it will be the first program dedicated to Patristics in Canada when it rolls out in the 2023-2024 academic year. Fr. Robert John...
Celebrating 50 years of the Diaconate
September 30 marks the 50th anniversary of the Permanent Diaconate in the Archdiocese of Toronto. Deacon Steve Pitre, Coordinator of Diaconal Ministry, reflects on this special milestone.
1. What celebrations are planned to commemorate this milestone anniversary?
We will...
New Digital Archive Highlights Parish Histories
The Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto has launched a new digital collection’s portal, ARCAT Online. Frances O’Regan, Director of Archives, provides an overview below.
1. What is ARCAT Online?
ARCAT Online is a...