All Souls and All Saints

Masses on All Saints Day and All Souls Day

Posted : Oct-10-2024

All Saints Day - Friday, November 1

  • 8:00 AM  
  • 7:00  PM

All Souls Day - Saturday, November 2

  • 8:00 AM
  • 11:00 AM
  • 5:00 PM (this is a Vigil Mass)


What is the difference between All Saints Day and All Souls Day?

All Saints Day - Celebrates all the saints, both known and unknown, who have attained heaven. We celebrate their holiness and seek their intercession. 

All Souls Day - Commemorates all the faithful departed, especially those in purgatory. It focuses on praying for the souls of the deceased to help them achieve heaven.

These two days are related through what we profess in the Creed "The communion of saints", which is the spiritual solidarity binding together the faithful on earth (the living), the souls in purgatory (commemorated on All Souls Day), and the saints in heaven (celebrated on All Saints Day) through Jesus Christ. By virtue of this communion, the living can seek the intercession of saints in Heaven. Likewise, the living can pray for the faithful departed and seek the intercession of saints in Heaven.